The world I chose:

I keep my world very far from the crowds. Some limited but very caring-loving friends, family, my pet and my small room. My thoughts, my memories sometimes my fears and my insecurities. It’s so beautiful to get connected with nature and feel the process of inhaling and exhaling after you wake up, get connected to the world and experience emotions.

It’s a small reach but a happy tribe. Sometimes we don’t know what’s really important to us, what makes us happy. Growing and learning I am finding as much as I am surrounding myselves with people who don’t keep initiating to bring out the worst in me and make me feel guilty, I am experiencing peace. In this process I lost many connections, but you know sometimes it’s okay to choose what’s healthy for you.

One life, one life experience, live it on your terms and conditions. Live it to the fullest. There’s no right or wrong, there’s karma, belief and confirmation. Love and emotions, life and truth. Always❤️



Prasuma Magarati (With my flaws)

I see different colours in the sky, every other day. Well, I choose to live, what about you?