The Roller Coaster emotions of going through days- Day 5!

Prasuma Magarati (With my flaws)
3 min readOct 17, 2020

Have you ever experienced a time in life when you feel totally lost and you find no purpose in your life? I have. I know you have experienced those emotions too. Somedays are just not our days, we feel messed up, we lie on floor, think about our fears and add dilemma to our life. Things that had time, feels like there’s no time anymore. It’s 4:16 and yaay, in the process of getting my goal time, initiations are always better, it feels so good.

Good morning, my people ❤

How have you guys been? How’s the state of corona virus in your place? It’s been 7 months we all are in our houses, just doing online activities, and I feel like I have somewhere left life. At the age of 20, what’s the best thing to think about? A failed career? Lost love? Academics? Passion? Or something else?

The happy news is I have started going for a walk and yeas they been helping me a lot. Today, as soon as I woke up, I opened my laptop and started to write, cause writing has always been a therapy to me. It feels so fresh. What's your favourite thing to do?

From yesterday, Dashain has started in Nepal, biggest festival here, this time it has not felt like dashain is here. I have my grandparents at village and we used to visit them this time. It’s been two years I have not went there, and I miss them so much. Situations of covid this time are not favoring for us to visit my village, I love them, I really don’t want to take risk this time, also my online classes are supposed to be held over dashain too. So, it’s really tough to travel.

Guys, made chicken spicy burger at Thursday, and Friday I got a fast.

I never used to cook before, but I have started to find a passion in cooking these days. Got a good response from my family too.

Friday, since I had a fast made some Ice cream salad, and I loved it. Let me share that too. yaay!

This one was yummm!

Okay let’s talk about fears? Do you guys have your greatest fear? I f yeas than what’s that?

What do you do when you are in fear?

I have been following JAY SHETTY since months, and I feel so good whenever I listen to him. I even follow “living best life” and it’s a positive fit to dig in, for instagram.

I was feeling so lethargic since months, cause I was not out of my room, nasty neighbors I really would not want to go to the balcony, I had stopped workouts from months, things were really not fine. Went up for checkups, things were fine, talked to a friend about issues. I initiated to go for a walk and start my workouts again, I will share my experience, as I want to talk a lot about laziness, and tiredness, things this could create, I am on the way of my research for this yea.

Just remember somedays are low, your pieces scatter, but at last you pick them up and you move on. You are a Rockstar, your biggest cheerleader. Hard times shape us for those beautiful moments we are going to be in. Morning loves!

Ohhh, haha, It’s been quite a while now, I need to plan for my day and yeas, some pending homework's. Will meet you guys soon.

There’s always someone who loves you. Your mamma, papa, best friend, better half, your grand parents or your favourite siblings. Whenever you feel unloved, go and hug them, talk to them, you will feel better.

My dearest friend always says, “ you are your own doppelganger” . You are❤

Good dayyyy! See you all.




Prasuma Magarati (With my flaws)

I see different colours in the sky, every other day. Well, I choose to live, what about you?